################################################# # # phpMyCalendar v1.1.0 # Release date: March 14, 2003 # Auhtor: Balazs Bezeczky # phpMyCalendar@gmx.net # http://phpmycalendar.sourceforge.net # # This script is under the GNU Public License: # (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) # ################################################# - Unpack the downloaded archive. (linux: tar -xzvf phpMyCalendar1.1.0.tar.gz) - change the directory (linux: cd phpMyCalendar) - Open and edit db_funct.lib: Insert your database username/password, datanbase name, and your language file. - Upload everything to a directory on your server, e.g. "/user/local/httpd/htdocs/phpMyCalendar/" - Log into your server and change to that directory - Enter "cat phpMyCalendar.sql | mysql DATABASENAME --user=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD" without the quotes. This will create 3 tables called "data", "users" and "anniversaries" in MySQl. (USERNAME and PASSWORD are your database username/password, not your login shell (telnet) ones. These may or may not differ from one another, depending on your hostīs setup!) - Edit style.css if you don't like my colors, fonts, etc. - Installation comlete. Have fun and never miss your appointments...;) You can view the page on your webserver, e.g. http://localhost/phpMyCalendar/index.php To set the page up on your Windows desktop, you'll need to install "Active-Desktop". Right click on the desktop, choose "Properties", then choose "Web" or "Channels", click on "new" and enter the url of the page (e.g. like shown above). Activate the checkbox "show web-content on the active desktop" and that's it!